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Silencing the Snack Sirens: How to Combat Food Noise

Silencing the Snack Sirens: How to Combat Food Noise

Ever feel like your brain is a 24/7 TV channel specialising in snacks? You're not alone! That constant mental chatter about food (some call it "food noise") can be exhausting. You might be struggling to concentrate on work due to persistent nagging thoughts of popping to the vending machine for crisps, or struggling to make healthy choices during the weekly shop thanks to constant thoughts about chocolate chip cookies. 'Head hunger', as it’s sometimes known, can be debilitating, trigger shame, the feeling of being ‘out of control’ and even lead to binge eating.

If this sounds familiar, there are resources out there that can help you cope with intrusive food noise. Fear not, we've got some tricks up our sleeve to help you turn down the volume...


  1. Mindful Munchies

Before you reach for that snack, pause. Ask yourself: “Am I actually hungry, or just bored/stressed/procrastinating?” Sometimes, the food noise is just your brain's way of avoiding that work project. Sorry, brain, nice try!

  1. Hydration Station

Often, thirst masquerades as hunger. Keep a water bottle handy and sip throughout the day. Your body will thank you, and those phantom hunger pangs might just disappear.

  1. Protein Power

Protein is the superhero of nutrients when it comes to satiety. Include a protein source in every meal to keep those hunger hormones in check and the food noise on mute. 

  1. Sleep It Off

Lack of sleep can make your hunger hormones go haywire. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality shut-eye a night. Your waistline (and your sanity) will thank you.

  1. Stress Less

Stress can crank up the food noise to 11. If emotional eating is a recurrent pattern for you, try to find alternative, healthier ways to manage stress – yoga, meditation, or maybe interpretive dance in your living room. Whatever floats your boat!

  1. GLP-1 Medication: Mounjaro

Now, let's talk about the new kids on the block: GLP-1 receptor agonist, Mounjaro (tirzepatide). This injectable medication is the focus of a great deal of attention due its impact on food cravings.

How do Mounjaro work? In essence, the science-backed medication mimics a hormone in your body that helps regulate appetite. Patients being treated with a once-weekly tirzepatide (including Mounjaro) have found they experienced reduced food cravings and appetite, enabling them to eat less and lose weight.

 Clinical trials have shown they can lead to significant weight loss – we're talking 15-20% of body weight over about a year when combined with lifestyle changes including increased exercise and a calorie-controlled diet.

Remember, weight management medication is not a magic wand. Mounjaro works best when combined with a healthy diet and exercise as a longterm solution to weight management. Like any medication, they can come with potential side effects and aren't suitable for everyone. Start your consultation to find out if you're eligible.

  1. Distraction Action

When the food noise gets too loud, try to distract yourself. Call a friend, go for a walk, or start that hobby you've been putting off. Origami, anyone?

  1. Balanced Meals

Eating balanced meals with a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs can help keep your blood sugar stable and reduce cravings throughout the day. If you need a bit of guidance, try out our nutritional plans here - they’re designed to help you stay on track without compromising on flavour.

  1. Mindful Eating

When you do eat, really focus on your food. It’s not just showing appreciation for the flavours in front of you, but a study by Harvard Health shows that distraction during mealtime can actually lead to weight gain. Try it tonight: no scrolling TikTok, no TV. Just you and your meal, having a moment. You might even find you need less food to feel satisfied when you’re mindfully eating.

  1. Seek Support

If the food noise is really getting to you, don't be afraid to reach out for help. A registered dietitian or therapist specializing in eating behaviours can be a game-changer.


Remember, everyone's journey to navigate food noise is different. Whether you're considering weight management medication such as Mounjaro or just trying to develop a healthier relationship with food, be patient with yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a peaceful relationship with food.


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