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Top Tips For Handling A Heatwave When You're Expecting or Postpartum

Top Tips For Handling A Heatwave When You're Expecting or Postpartum

Summer is (finally) arriving and the temperatures are beginning to soar. For some, warm weather can be trickier to handle than others - especially when you’re pregnant or postpartum. Whether you're rocking a bump or snuggling a newborn, this heatwave doesn't have to turn you into a sweaty, cranky mess. Over to the mums of Team HANX! Join us as we dive into some of our chillest tips to beat the heat!

Pregnancy: When Your Body's Already a Furnace

Feeling too hot is uncomfortable for anyone, let alone when you’re pregnant and already uncomfortable with everything from swollen ankles to achy legs. Our in-house obstetrics expert, HANX Co-Founder, Dr. Sarah Welsh, knows all about the importance of staying cool in the summer whilst you’re expecting:

When you’re pregnant your body is already working twice as hard to keep you and your baby healthy, so adding on the hard work of trying to keep yourself cool can easily overexert your body.” 

We asked Dr. Sarah to list her top tips for surviving a heatwave when pregnant…  

Water, Water Everywhere 

Hydrate like it's your job! Your body's working overtime, so keep that H2O flowing. Pro tip: Jazz up your water with some cucumber slices or fresh mint. It's like a spa day in a glass! If plain water bores you, try sipping coconut water or electrolyte drinks. Just avoid anything caffeinated as caffeine acts as a diuretic, helping to rid fluids from the body, which can dehydrate you further. Plus, caffeine can increase the amount of urine your body produces. Swap your favourite iced latte for a sparkling water - your bladder will thank you!

Dress for Success

Forget fashion, it's all about function during a heatwave. Think loose, breathable fabrics. Maternity muumuus are totally in this season (and don’t let anyone tell you anything different!). Light colors reflect sunlight, so channel your inner angel and go for white or neutrals when it comes to your wardrobe. It might seem counterintuitive but covering up your skin in loose linen or cotton actually protects your skin from overheating. Don't forget the hat - you're not just shading yourself, you're giving your bump its own little umbrella!

Cool as a Cucumber:

Speaking of cucumbers, slice 'em up and pop 'em on your eyes, neck, or wherever needs cooling down. You'll feel like you're at a fancy spa, minus the awkward small talk with nearly-nude strangers in robes. Our other fave cooling foods to munch on during a heatwave are watermelon, grape, and frozen berries. 

Feet Up, Temperature Down

Elevate those swollen ankles. It's the perfect excuse to binge-watch that everyone's been raving about. "Sorry, can't move. Doctor's orders!" While you're at it, treat your tootsies to a cool foot bath. If you don’t have a fancy machine for a DIY pedicure at home, a plastic washing up bowl or a kid’s paddling pool works just as well, too.


Shower Power

Take lukewarm showers throughout the day to cool down without totally shocking your system. Or get playful with it - use a mini spray bottle for a refreshing mist of water. We like to pretend we’re delicate flowers being watered in a fancy greenhouse…


Fan Club

Portable fans are your new BFF. Clip them onto your desk, your bed, your partner (kidding, unless...?). Bonus points if you add a misting feature. We found these especially useful for the morning commute, which can get hot and sweaty very quickly.

How To Keep Cool Postpartum 

It’s very important to look after yourself postpartum, too. Caring for a tiny human, on barely any sleep, during a heatwave, is no small feat, as Dr Sarah says:

Keeping yourself and your baby cool isn't just about comfort - it's about health and safety. Proper hydration, seeking shade, and using cooling methods can prevent heat exhaustion and ensure both you and your little one stay happy and healthy as the temperature rises. Remember, a cool mama is a happy mama, and a happy mama means a happy baby.” 

Breastfeeding in a Broiler

If you're nursing, you're basically a human radiator. Breastfeeding releases prolactin, the hormone responsible for producing breast milk, which keeps oestrogen levels low. Low oestrogen can lead to greater sweating and hormonal shifts can also postpartum hot flashes, too. Try using a cooling breastfeeding pillow or drape a cool, damp cloth over your shoulders whilst nursing. Remember, skin-to-skin contact is great for bonding, but laying a cool muslin cloth between you and baby can help prevent a sticky situation during a heatwave.


Baby, It's Hot Outside

Babies aren’t able to regulate their body temperature for themselves, so pay extra attention to your little one during a heatwave. We tend to keep our babies in just a nappy when indoors to help keep them nice and temperate. For outdoor adventures, dress them in light, breathable clothes, use a pram shade to keep them out of direct sunlight and always have a sunhat handy. Think of your baby as a very cute, very wiggly vampire - sunlight is not their friend!


Make Time For Popsicles

Whether you're nursing or not, treat yourself to some homemade popsicles or fruity ice pops. Bonus: they double as a nipple soother if you're dealing with breastfeeding soreness. Now that’s multitasking at its finest! A cheeky top tip from us: try freezing breast milk for milk-sicles for older babies - a nutritious, refreshing treat.


Spray Bottle Shenanigans:

Keep a spray bottle handy for quick cool-downs. Mist yourself, mist baby, mist your partner when they complain about the heat. It's like a water fight, but you don't have to move!


Cool Car Seats

If you need to make a trip in a heatwave, never put your baby in a car seat that’s been sitting in the sun, in a warm confined car, as it can contribute to overheating. Cool the seat down first with a fan, or drape a damp towel over it for a few minutes before your trip. Your baby's not a rotisserie chicken, after all!


Nap Time is Prime Time

Take advantage of precious nap times (if and when they appear) to cool yourself down. Draw the curtains, turn on the fan and pretend you're in a cool, refreshing cave. A cave with Netflix, preferably.


Remember, This Too Shall Pass

Like pregnancy discomfort and sleepless newborn nights, heatwaves don’t last forever. In the meantime, stay cool, stay hydrated and if all else fails, stick your head in the freezer for a few seconds. We won't tell anyone!


Warning Signs to Watch For:

While we're keeping things light and breezy, it's important to know when hot weather might be becoming a serious issue for you or baby. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's time to call your healthcare provider:


- Dizziness or fainting

- Rapid heartbeat

- Muscle cramps

- Headaches

- Nausea or vomiting

- Extreme thirst

- Dark-coloured urine or lack of urination


For your little one, watch out for:

- Warm, red, or dry skin

- Lack of tears when crying

- Sunken soft spot on top of the head

- Listlessness or unresponsiveness


Remember, you're not just a hot mama, you're a smart one too. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to seek help if something feels off.

Handling a heatwave while pregnant or postpartum is totally doable with a little preparation, a lot of water, and a good sense of humour. Remember, you're already a superhero growing or caring for a tiny human - handling a little heat is just another feat to add to your resume!

Want more?

  • Which nutrients do you really need during pregnancy? Over to our in-house obstetrics expert.
  • Yes, you can still have sex during pregnancy. Read on.
  • Easing back to intimacy postpartum can be a real ride. Get expert Clio Wood’s tips on getting your mojo back, leaky boobs and soreness included, here.
  • Discover our all-natural nutritional support from conception to breastfeeding. Shop Pregnancy Support now.

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